Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2020/11/09
Create Resource Group:
- Go to: (login to Azure portal first, then click the link)
- Fillup details (i.e. name ‘
’, select subscription etc.) - Create
Create required resource:
Recommended sequeence for steps
Whenever we create Virtual Network in Azure there will VMs in that network, so provision following resources sequentially
- Create Network Security Groups
- Create public IP address
- Create Virtual Network
- Create Bastion (use public IP address during Bastion creation) while creating vNet
- Use public IP (created previuos step) for Bastion
- If you disable bastion while creating vNet, then after creating vNet you can create Bastion and while creating Bastion, it will ask for vNet
- Create NIC
- Create VM
- Use Virtual Network created previously
- About VM NIC
- You can not attach existing NIC (created previously) to VM while creating VM using azure portal
- When VM is created, NIC will be created automatically
- After VM creation detach NIC that automatically created and attach your NIC (created previously) if you want
- Create data disk if you need during VM creation (give nice name, otherwise disk will be created with weired name)
Create VNet using Azure portal
- Go to:
- Fillup details (i.e. name
, subscription, resource group etc.) > Next - IP Addresses
- IPv4 address space:
(whatever is suitable for you) - ’+ Add subnet’ > fillup details (i.e. name, subnet address range
) > Add - Next
- IPv4 address space:
- Security
- use default
- or change (enable/disable) if need
- Next
- Tags: add tags (recommended) > Next
- Create