What is cheatsheet?
- A cheats heet is a set of notes or syntax used for quick reference
- Any summary or quick reference used as a shortcut or reminder, such as an aid for public speaking
- “Cheat sheet” may also be written as “cheatsheet”
- Cheatsheets are so named because they used to use by students to cheat on test (a sheet containing information used secretly for cheating)
- A cheatsheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task
Importance of cheatsheet
- Quick reference
- Be productive after learning a new thing (i.e. programming language)
- Quickly recall when forget some syntax
- Use snippets for rapid development
Be productive using cheatsheet
- Write cheatsheet while learning something new i.e. a programming language
- Use that cheatsheet for reference
- Create snippets and use those snippets to be productive
- Solve the trouble of remembering