Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2021/02/05

Check requirements were satisfied properly

Printers are not showing up because requirements were not satisfied

Check microsoft 365 licenses are assigned

check microsoft 365 licenses are assigned

Check print administrator role is assigned

check print administrator role is assigned

Check microsoft 365 licenses are reflecting in Azure Active Directory

check microsoft 365 licenses are reflecting in Azure Active Directory

Check UniversalPrint group in azure ad has both user and printer

check UniversalPrint group in azure ad has both user and printer

Check user has access to the shared printer

check user has access to the shared printer

Printers are not showing up in VM even if requirements were satisfied

Probable cause 1: Azure AD user is not added to “Remote Desktop Users” group in Jumbox VM
Solution: Settings in Jumpbox VM

Probable cause 2: You forgot to restart Jumpbox VM after adding user to “Remote Desktop Users” group
Solution: restart Jumpbox VM, connect & from Jumpbox connect to target VM

Probable cause 3: You did not use Azure credential when connecting to target VM from Jumpbox VM (used username and password instead of Azure credentials)
Solution: disconnect from target VM and connect again using your Azure credentials (NOT ID, Password that were set during VM creation)

Printers are not showing up in Windows Server VM

In my case, Universal Printers were not showing up when Azure AD joined VM is “Windows Server 2019 Datacenter”. So, I provisioned a Windows 10 Pro VM (Azure AD joined) and then printers were showing up in VM.

Printer name contains ‘redirected’

Reason: This printing is not coming from Azure Universal Print, it is coming from the jumpbox VM or PC/Laptop from which you are connecting to Azure AD joined VM
Solution: Uncheck “printers” option when connecting to VM using RDP

Uncheck 'printers' option when connecting to VM using RDP