Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2021/02/08
Points to be noted
- Limitations:
- As of February 2021, Azure AD joined VM can only be accessed from another Azure AD joined VM using RDP
- Bastion is not supported
- For RDP connection to Azure AD joined VM:
- Azure AD joined VM must have a public IP (assigned to NIC)
- Inbound rule in NSG: RDP 3389 must be allowed
- “Virtual Machine Administrator Login” or “Virtual Machine User Login” role must be assigned to the user from “Access control (IAM)” of target VM (how to do it -> see “Role assignment” section below)
- Jumpbox VM
- Both “Windows Server VM” & “Windows 10 VM” can be used as jumpbox VM
- Jumpbox VM is just for connecting to target Azure AD joined VM using Azure credential via RDP
- Jumpbox VM is also Azure AD joined
- Some settings are needed in Jumpbox VM (see below). In future, these setting might not be needed (so might not be applicable for your case)
- Notes:
- Allowing RDP while creating VM is the fastest way to connect
- Attaching public IP , NIC & NSG after creating VM caused a problem in my case -> Public IP was not showing up in NIC & VM
Role Assignment
- In order to login to VM using Azure AD credentials, either of the following roles must be assigned to the user:
- “Virtual Machine Administrator Login” role
- “Virtual Machine User Login” role
- Make sure that “Access management for Azure resources” is enabled in Azure AD
- See: Enabling “Access management for Azure resources”
Procedure to assign required role
- Resource group > Select target Azure AD joined VM (the VM to which we will login using Azure credentials)
- Access control (IAM) > Add a role assignment
- Search “Virtual Machine Administrator” > Add “Virtual Machine Administrator Login”
- Assign access to: add target user/group
- Save
- “Virtual Machine Administrator Login” role is just for granting user to login to VM using AAD credentials
- “Virtual Machine Administrator Login” role has nothing to do with “Print Administrator” role for managing printers in Universal Print Portal
Settings in Jumpbox VM
- “Remote Desktop Users” group
- Azure AD user must to be added to “Remote Desktop Users” group
- “Remote Desktop Users” group will only be available if VM is Azure AD joined -> our Jumpbox VM is also Azure AD joined
- Open ‘cmd’ as admin
- Excute comman:
net localgroup "remote desktop users" /add "AzureAD\UPN"
- Example:
net localgroup "remote desktop users" /add "AzureAD\"
- In my case: “
- Example:
- Restart Jumpbox VM (don’t forget to restart)
Checking Azure AD user is added to “Remote Desktop Users” group
- Right click on “This PC” > Properties
- Related settings > Click “Advanced system settings” > Remote
- Select users > “
” should be shown here
Connecting to target VM
From PC
- Go to Azure portal
- Resource group > Jumpbox VM > connect > RDP > download
- Right click > connect > use VM ID & Password (the ID & Password that were set during VM creation, it’s NOT Azure credentials)
Inside Jumpbox VM
- First check Remote Desktop “Network Level Authentication” setting is checked in Jumpbox VM
- Go to Azure portal
- Resource group > Target VM > connect > RDP > download
- Right click > connect > use Azure credentials (NOT VM ID & Password)
- Note: You might need to select “Other user” option to use Azure credentials (by default your windows user might be selected)
If you could not connect using RDP file, work around is following
- Open Notepad as Admin > Open that downloaded RDP file
- Add following lines at the bottom and save
- Now try to connect
authentication level:i:2
- For Windows Server (2016/2019 …)
- Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security
- How to disable:
- Download and install Microsoft Edge browser:
- Download Azure storage explorer:
- Download and install notepad plus plus: