Preparing Docker
- install docker
- switch to windows container
Running SQL Server on Docker
- Courtesy:
- Using SQL Server Developer edition (all features are available)
Pull image
docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:2017-latest
Build and run container from image
must run commands in powershell or powershell tab in cmder
docker run `
--name FooSqlServer `
-e sa_password=FooSqlServer101 `
-p 1433:1433 `
-d microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:2017-latest
Test connection
- command:
sqlcmd –S <YourIP>,<Port> -U sa -P password
: flag for server-U
: usersa -P
: server administrator password- to check it:
docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress}}' FooSqlServer
(should show ip like: or `` - no space between before & after ‘,’ (wrong: ip, port, right: ip,port)
- The number 1> means that it is connected and ready to receive sentences to execute
Command to execute in powershell:
sqlcmd -S,1433 -U sa -P FooSqlServer101
# Show all the variables set
1> :ListVar
Persisting data - decoupling data persistence from container
- To ensure data will persist even after docker container is removed, we need to decouple data persistence from the container
- SQL Server container is running on docker
- Each docker container has associated writeable layer
- By default container writes data to writable layer
- When container is removed, all data in writable layer will be gone,
- If we save data to our database, container will write data to writable layer. When sql server container is removed, all data will be gone
2 ways we can decouple data persistence from container (writable layer)
- By exposing host directory to container
- By uing volume
Decoupling by exposing host directory to container
Decoupling by using volume
- Docker creates a small Linux VM and exposes it to all containers (to provide kernel services)
- Volumes are created inside Linux VM and mapped to a container if that container is started with volume ( i.e.
... -v foo_volume:/var/opt/mssql
for linux container) - SQL Server will save data to
is mapped to foo_volume. So, data will be to foo_volume - We can create volume first and then mount it to container while starting/running the container (run vs start - run = create from image + start, should be used for first time)
- Create Volume:
- Courtesy: persisting-sql-server-data-in-docker-containers using volume
docker volume create foo_volume # default: C:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes
docker volume ls
docker volume inspect foo_volume # will show Mountpoint
Now volume path form Mountpoint (docker volume inspect foo_volume
) ND run container with -v
(must use powershell or powershell tab in cmder to execute commands)
docker run `
--name FooSqlServer `
-e sa_password=FooSqlServer101 `
-p 1433:1433 `
-d microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer:2017-latest `
-v c:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes\foo_volume:c:\foo_volume
(did not work ‘…file not found error…’ for windows container)
- we are using windows container, therefore using windows style path (use linux style path when using linux container)
=> inside containerC:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes\foo_volume
=> in host machine- foo_volume is mapped to container’s
- We can skip creating volume since docker will create the volume if does not exists