

Definition of Technology Analyst

Technology analyst ~ technical analysts ~ system analyst (also called ‘chartists’)

A technology analyst, or a technical analyst, suggests updates to ensure computers for business systems stay up-to-date on performance standards. You sometimes perform other maintenance tasks as required. Most of the time, your duties in this position are to offer advice to the IT development team. You look at system requirements for various software and operating systems and make a recommendation based on what your company’s machinery can handle. You sometimes collaborate with the acquisitions department to determine whether software upgrades are financially feasible.

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Technical Analyst vs Business Analyst

Technology analysts improve and maintain an enterprise’s information technology system. They are tasked with examining the function of computer systems, identifying problems and areas for improvement in execution, and designing solutions. This may involve the development of new software solutions, the implementation of new hardware, testing to maximize function and compatibility, and a constant monitoring of systems to address issues as they arise and ensure smooth, consistent operations. Information technology on the enterprise level involves a vast and ever-expanding array of systems and functions. Therefore, technology analysts may either be assigned to specific tasks, such as network maintenance or database administration, or a general role in which they or their team handles all tasks. As even a dedicated role will often overlap with other areas of the enterprise’s information technology (IT) enterprise, a knowledge of all organizational IT roles is preferred for most applicants. Information analysts require superior analytic abilities, attention to detail, and the ability to solve problems in a timely manner. Employers usually require applicants to have at least a bachelor’s degree in information science, with certain sectors also preferring some emphasis in related fields such as engineering. A master’s degree is highly preferred by all employers and required by some. The information analyst likely works predominantly onsite in an office environment. A technology analyst may be assigned shifts; however, the highly sensitive nature of information technology jobs means that hours may be long and shifts variable


Technology Analyst Tasks


Personal requirements