Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2023/07/24
- We need to create a nodejs and typescript development environment
- We laso need azure-cli and powershell to be installed in that development environment
Create devcontainer.json
from scratch (manually)
- Create a folder “tsnode-devcontainer”
- Inside “tsnode-devcontainer” folder, create a folder named “.devcontainer”
- Inside “.devcontainer” folder, create a file named “
"name": "Node.js & TypeScript",
"image": "",
"features": {
"": {},
"": {}
Create devcontainer.json
using VSCode
- Create a folder “tsnode-devcontainer”
- Open VSCode > File > Open folder > “tsnode-devcontainer”
- Add Dev Container Configuration Files:
- Click “Open a remote window” (bottom left ‘><’ icon, green color) > “Add Dev Container configuration files”
- Or View > Command Palette > Dev Containers: Add Dev Container Configuration Files
- Search “typescript” (if not shown, click “Show All”) > Select “Nodejs and typescript” > Select nodejs version
- Select feature:
- Search “azure cli” > Select
- Search “powershell” > Select
- “2 selected” will be shown > Click Ok
- Click “Kepp defaults”
- ”
” will be created inside “tsnode-devcontainer” folder
Run devcontainer
Edit the contents of the devcontainer.json
as required, the launch devcontainer as following:
- VS Code > File > open folder > tsnode-devcontainer
- View > Command Palette > Dev Containers: Reopen in Container
- Or Click “Open a remote window” (bottom left ‘><’ icon, green color) > Reopen in Container
- The local folder in which code resides will be mounted as volume in the running dev conatiner
- Every time we edit the contents of the devcontainer.json, we need to execute “Dev Containers: Rebuild Container”
Stop devcontainer
- Click on devcontainer (bottom left ‘><’ icon, green color)
- Close remote connection
- List of images to be used in devcontainer.json: