Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2020/10/23
- Azure Table storage is a NoSQL (structured/semi-structured) datastore service in the cloud
- A schemaless, key-value (key-attribute) store (entity store)
- Wide column store
- Key-value data storage system (table has rows that are composed of key-value pairs)
- Azure table storage can store petabytes of data, scallable and is inexpensive
- Access: table storage can be accessed using followings:
- OData protocols
- Storage Explorer tool
- Naming rules:
- Ideal for storing and querying structured, non-relational data
- Storing datasets that don’t require complex joins, foreign keys, or stored procedures
- Storing datasets that can be denormalized for fast access
- Quickly querying data using a clustered index
- Lower cost than RDBMS
- Original Azure table storage (belongs to Azure stoarge service)
- Azure Cosmos DB Table API (See: details)
See: Table API in Azure Cosmos DB Vs Azure Table storage
- Storage account:
- parent namespace for tables
- can create any number of tables within a given storage account, as long as each table is uniquely named
- Table: collections of entities
- Entity:
- an entity is a set of properties, similar to a database row
- has a primary key and a set of properties
- Property:
- a property is a name-value pair
- each entity can include up to 252 properties to store data
- each entity also has three system properties (partition key, row key and timestamp)
Details: Understanding the Table service data model
Table in table storage
- Table (in table storage) is neither a traditional table, nor a SQL table, rather a schema-less collection of entities
- The table doesn’t enforce a schema on entities
- A single table can contain entities that have different sets of properties
SQL table vs storage table
- Tables (in table storage) don’t have the notion of followings:
- columns
- constraints
relationships (and any of their variations)
- SQL tables have schemas, while tables (in table storage) are schemaless
Create table
- Prerequisite: Create Azure storage account
- Go to:
- Select Resource group > Select storage account
- (Left panel) Table service > Tables > “+ Table”