Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2020/10/05


IoT Services in Azure

Azure IoT Hub

Azure IoT Hub

Azure IoT Central

Azure Sphere

IoT Hub vs IoT Central vs Azure Sphere

Other IoT services

Azure IoT Edge
“Azure IoT Edge” is similar to Azure IoT Hub and has IoT device management / monitoring functions. The difference from Azure IoT Hub is that the data is analyzed directly on the IoT device side, not on the cloud side. Users don’t have to transfer data to the cloud, reducing the time it takes to gain insights from data analytics. The “Azure IoT Edge runtime”, which is a typical component of Azure IoT Edge, is responsible for managing the dedicated modules (deployed) on each IoT device.


Big Data

Big Data Solutions in Azure

Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse

Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure AI Suite

Machine Learning in Azure

Azure Cognitive Services

(Cognitive services are exposed by REST end points)

Computer Vision

Speech API

Language APIs

Decision APIs

Web Search Service

Azure Bot Service

Azure DevOps

See: /azure-devops

Azure DevTest Labs

Use Cases for DevTest Labs