Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2022/01/10

Create ARM service connection

Service connection can be created in 2 ways:

For manual approach, make sure that you have following information ready (based on service principal credential)

  "SubscriptionId": "xxx",
  "SubscriptionName": "Pay-As-You-Go Dev/Test",
  "ServicePrincipalId": "xxx",
  "ServicePrincipalKey": "xxx",
  "ServiceConnectionName": "pulumi-demo-sc",
  "ServiceConnectionDescription": "Service connection for Pulumi stack deployment to target subscription",
  "TenantId": "xxx"


Manual Connection

Azure DevOps - creating service connection manually

Automatic Connection

Azure DevOps - creating service connection automatic

Create ACR service connection

Azure DevOps - Create ACR service connection Step 1

Azure DevOps - Create ACR service connection Step 2

Azure DevOps - Create ACR service connection Step 3

Azure DevOps - Create ACR service connection Step 4