Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2023/03/18
Type conversion
A type conversion is performed when a value of one type is used in a context that requires a different type.
- Implicit conversion: if a conversion happens automatically
- Explicit conversion: if the conversion happens forcefully i.e. using an operator
In PowerShell everything is an object, that includes the cmdlets. Casting is the process of converting one object type into another.
Implicit casting
In implicit casting, one type of data is converted or casted to another type automatically without causing any value/precision loss.
[int] $intVal = 10.4;
Write-Host (10.7).GetType() # System.Double
Write-Host $intVal.GetType() # System.Int32
Write-Host $intVal # 10 (implicitly casted)
[double] $doubleVal = $intVal + 0.5
Write-Host $intVal.GetType() # System.Int32
Write-Host $doubleVal.GetType() # System.Double
Write-Host $doubleVal # 10.5, $intVal was implicitly casted to double before performing operation
# string to numbger
[int] $intValStr = "13"
Write-Host $intValStr.GetType() # System.Int32
Write-Host $intValStr # 13
[double] $doubleVal = "11.527"
Write-Host $doubleVal.GetType() # System.Double
Write-Host $doubleVal # 11.527
# number to string
[int] $intVal = 15
[double] $doubleVal = 12.85
[string] $strInt = $intVal
Write-Host $strInt.GetType() # System.String
Write-Host $strInt # "15"
[string] $strDouble = $doubleVal
Write-Host $strDouble.GetType() # System.String
Write-Host $strDouble # "12.85"
Explicit casting
Explicit casting means converting one type of data to another manually (intentionally/forcefully).
[double] $doubleVal = 15.458796
$result = [int]$doubleVal # explicit casting
Write-Host $result.GetType() # System.Int32
Write-Host $result # 15
[string] $doubleValStr = "14.854"
# [double] $result = ($doubleValStr + 0.756) # => ERROR
[double] $result = ([double]$doubleValStr + 0.756) # => OK
Write-Host $result.GetType() # System.Double
Write-Host $result # 15.61
Type casting operator
<input> <operator> [.NET type]
"str" -is [string] # True
(get-date) -is [DateTime] # True
(get-date) -isnot [DateTime] # False
"5/7/07" -as [DateTime] # Monday, May 7, 2007 12:00:00 AM