Author : MD TAREQ HASSAN | Updated : 2021/09/25

Run a script in PowerShell cli

Get function name

$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name (gives function name when used inside a function)

$rgResourceId = ''
try {
    $rgResourceId = (Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop).ResourceId
catch {
    $exceptionMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message.Split("-")[1].Trim()
    Write-Warning "[at function $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] -> Exception message: $exceptionMessage"

# To use script name too: $(Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf)
# Write-Warning "[$(Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf) at function $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] -> Exception message: $exceptionMessage"

Return single value from function and script

function test {

    # do somethings here
    $x = 10
    # Use -> Write-Host or Write-Warning or Write-Error
    # Do Not Use -> Write-Output
    return x

$returnedVal = test
#returnedVal: 10

StackOverflow question:

Show progress

-Verbose flag will show updates when performing operation

$name = 'rg-xxx'
try {

    Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $name -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop

    Write-Host "Resource group '$Name' was deleted successfully`n"
catch {
    $exceptionMessage = $Error[0].Exception.Message.Split("-")[1].Trim()
    Write-Warning "Failed to delete resource group '$Name' (Error: $exceptionMessage)`n"

Using “-AsJob” and for loop

$getSaSplat = @{
    Name              = $saName
    ResourceGroupName = $rgName

$sa = $null
try {
    $sa = Get-AzStorageAccount @getSaSplat -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
    Write-Warning $Error[0]

if ($null -eq $sa) {

    $newSaSplat = $getSaSplat + @{
        Location = $rgLocation
        SkuName  = $saSku
        Kind     = $saKind

    try {

        Write-Host "Stoarge Account '$saName' does not exist, creating new...`r`n"

        New-AzStorageAccount @newSaSplat -Tag $tagsHashTable -ErrorAction Stop -AsJob | Out-Null

        Write-Host "`r`n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`r`n"

        #Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

        $sa = Get-AzStorageAccount @getSaSplat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        while ('Succeeded' -ne ${sa}?.ProvisioningState) {
            Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -DisplayHint Time)] Storage account is not created yet -> ProvisioningState: $(${sa}?.ProvisioningState) `r`n"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            $sa = Get-AzStorageAccount @getSaSplat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Host "`r`n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`r`n"
        Write-Host "Stoarge Account '$saName' has been created `r`n"

    catch {
        Write-Warning $Error[0]
else {
    Write-Host "Stoarge Account '$saName' already exists `r`n"

Keep Shell Window Open After Running Script

$xyz = ""
# ... ... ...
echo $xyz

# Per-script Fix: Add a prompt for input to the end of your script file. e.g. Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

StackOverflow answer:

Test SQL Server Connetion

# Collected from:

function Test-SqlConnection {



    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    try {
        $userName = $Credential.UserName
        $password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        $connectionString = 'Data Source={0};database={1};User ID={2};Password={3}' -f $ServerName,$DatabaseName,$userName,$password
        $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $ConnectionString
        ## This will run if the Open() method does not throw an exception
    } catch {
    } finally {
        ## Close the connection when we're done

# Get server instance (Computer\Instance), run follwoing command in SSMS
# SELECT @@servername + '\' + @@servicename
# Get server name only: SELECT @@servername
Test-SqlConnection -ServerName 'SqlServerName' -DatabaseName 'AdventureWorksLT2019' -Credential (Get-Credential)

Surpressing output

New-Item -Path 'c:\newfolder' -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

Out-Null -InputObject ($(1..1000) | ?{$_ -is [int]})

# Note
# [x] | Out-Null -> one at a time
# Out-Null -InputObject [x] -> whole thing as a single object

Get help

Get-Help [command]
Get-Help [command] -Full
Get-Help [command] -Parameter *

# Examples
Get-Help Start-Service -Full
Get-Help Start-Service -Parameter *